Files in the latest check-in sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2024-07-14 18:10:06.
Bottle RoyaleLast ChangeSize
- .fossil-settings1.6 hours
- binary-glob1.6 hours40
- dotfiles288.2 days3
- ignore-glob273.0 days36
- assetscurrent
- audioscurrent
- opening.oggcurrent150,693
- test.ogg1.6 hours18,500
- fonts62.0 days
- munro.png62.0 days1,244
- shaders135.0 days
- circle.frag135.0 days451
- circle.vert135.0 days505
- rectangle.frag151.0 days221
- rectangle.vert151.0 days319
- textured_rectangle.frag151.0 days867
- textured_rectangle.vert223.7 days440
- sprites27.0 days
- bottle.png124.4 days568
- dash-cue.png55.4 days380
- insect.png56.1 days306
- opening-image.png27.0 days20,271
- player.png56.1 days294
- build10.9 minutes
- index.html10.9 minutes592
- lib223.7 days
- bottle-royale-helper.js223.7 days462
- gl-matrix.min.js223.7 days55,992
- styles.css10.9 minutes40
- compile.hxml273.0 days46
- LICENSE286.9 days11,357
- Makefile273.0 days206
- README.md208.0 days1,521
- srccurrent
- Aabb.hx180.4 days174
- Bottle.hx62.0 days12,415
- Brh.hx223.7 days295
- ChargingItem.hx55.4 days1,854
- Configuration.hxcurrent11,239
- DebugUtils.hx55.4 days1,121
- ExplodingInsect.hx134.0 days3,663
- gfx27.0 days
- Circle.hx135.0 days4,442
- Gfx.hx180.5 days430
- Rectangle.hx151.0 days4,641
- Sprite.hx27.0 days8,907
- Text.hx180.4 days3,189
- glm209.7 days
- Mat4.hx209.7 days584
- Quat.hx219.0 days179
- Globals.hx1.6 hours1,948
- GLU.hx27.0 days3,017
- Insect.hx55.4 days7,230
- ItemState.hx62.0 days780
- KeyState.hx38.9 days114
- KeysWatcher.hx38.9 days3,321
- Main.hxcurrent8,323
- screenscurrent
- Debug.hx180.5 days407
- Game.hx32.5 days16,115
- GameOver.hx38.9 days3,437
- Initial.hx10.9 minutes1,276
- MainMenu.hx38.9 days2,482
- Opening.hxcurrent3,424
- Screen.hx180.5 days1,453
- Test.hx38.9 days9,550
- ScreenState.hx273.0 days60
- Side.hx120.3 days55
- Utils.hx27.0 days3,601
- Vec2.hx134.1 days1,242
- Vec3.hx134.1 days1,398