Nales' scripts

Top-level Files of tip

Top-level Files of tip

Files in the top-level directory from the latest check-in

Nales' scripts

Here are general scripts written by me, Alex Canales (Nales).

All the code present in this repository is under the MIT license. The reason for that: the code here is too short and too simplistic to be considered as important, and therefore to be close source or licensed under a true libre license like a GPL version. If the code here was important, it would be a lack of self-respect to license it under the MIT license (at least without a financial contribution).

The scripts

which-scm displays the SCM (Source Code Manager) used in the current directory and its root path. Useful as a dependency for more sophisticated scripts.

follow-scm follows SCM repositories in the system to track not committed changes. Useful when associated with other scripts to alert you about changes you forgot to commit.

global-snippets pastes snippets defined by executable scripts. Heavily inspired by the YouTube user named Calin Leafshade and its video "Text Snippets in Linux Using A Script". Depends on dmenu, xsel and xdotool.

mkscript lets you quickly create shell scripts.

Installation and customization

You can install all scripts using:

sudo make install

And uninstall them all using:

sudo make uninstall

If you want to install or uninstall only one script, append the command with - then the script name. Example:

sudo make install-which-scm
sudo make uninstall-which-scm

You can customize the settings by modifying